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Purina Qualifier events

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Purina Qualifier events Empty Purina Qualifier events

Post by Milt Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:46 pm

Here are the events to qualify at for Purina's Easten Regional in Atlanta!

Feb. 11 Cape Coral FL Love Fest 4 Pets

Read below:

Last edited by Milt on Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

My Name : Milt
Gender : Male
My Pet(s) : Sparky(RIP), Maximus, Nash, Flash & Allie
Location : Jacksonville, FL
Number of posts : 1057
Aries Tiger

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Purina Qualifier events Empty Re: Purina Qualifier events

Post by Milt Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:08 am

Ok things have changed for Purina Qualifiers for 2012!! We have new rules for dogs trying to get to Purina Qualifiers. Winning our events doesn't mean a guaranteed invite to a Purina Regional qualifier. We will put your name on a short list with pertinent information and submit that list to Purina for them to choose the teams to be invited. Teams will be notified from Purina and the Carson's when the invited list is chosen. Many factors will be considered when the invites go out only one of those will be how far your dog can jump. Purina reserves the right to invite any team to any of their events including the Finals held at Purina Farms in Oct! Jumping at our events will put you on that short list of 4-6 teams that will be submitted to Purina. No other organization will be able to submit a list! Purina's IDC competitions are the best run events in the Country and being on National Television is a thrill and memories for you to remember for a lifetime. p.s. All regional qualifiers have a Friday qualifier that anyone can attend. They have a limit on Friday for dogs that try to qualify so you have to be there early get in line and hope you are chosen to try and qualify!

My Name : Milt
Gender : Male
My Pet(s) : Sparky(RIP), Maximus, Nash, Flash & Allie
Location : Jacksonville, FL
Number of posts : 1057
Aries Tiger

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