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question about other orginizations

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question about other orginizations Empty question about other orginizations

Post by JT Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:04 pm

Theres an event out here in north dakota its the midwest waterfowl fest and i know they have dock jumping there but i cant find any info on a group thats doing it they are refering to the events as k9 super air for the distance and super launch for the vertical any one hav an idea what group might be puting this on i would like to get the boys into it. ive checked dock dogs but cant find any thing listed for it.

My Name : jamie
Gender : Male
My Pet(s) : mikey pb 18'6 uv5'6 , mavrick pb 16 something over 19 when he decides to jump. and Roxi 4 y old GSP she just cheers the boys on. and timber comming in 2010 to a dock near you
Location : valley city, nd
Number of posts : 406
Capricorn Monkey

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by LoriL Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:05 pm

Did you check splash dogs?


My Name : Lori
Gender : Female
Number of posts : 387
Aries Cat

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by TR75 Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:33 pm

You can probably email the Scheel's people to see who is putting it on.


My Name : Matt
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Gemini Monkey

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by JT Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:13 pm

yep check splash dogs nothing listed. splash dogs and dock dogs are the two bigger orginizations i would have thought ould be invovled. i also contacted scheels and the parks department since they are involved with it as well so we will see

My Name : jamie
Gender : Male
My Pet(s) : mikey pb 18'6 uv5'6 , mavrick pb 16 something over 19 when he decides to jump. and Roxi 4 y old GSP she just cheers the boys on. and timber comming in 2010 to a dock near you
Location : valley city, nd
Number of posts : 406
Capricorn Monkey

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by bigyellowdog Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:06 pm

It might not be sponsored by any of the big organizations but just be a fun jump - I know that is what is going on with an outdoor festival here in Wisconsin - I emailed the event organizer directly to find that out - hopefully since you've contacted the organizers for the jump in ND, you will get the answer you need shortly.

My Name : Dawn
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My Pet(s) : Ranger (the big yellow dog) sweet dreams my prince, Chase and Reuben
Location : central Wisconsin
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Cancer Horse

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by SKY Sr. Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:11 pm


My Name : Brian L. Butler
Gender : Male
My Pet(s) : UUJCH USUV Santa Fe's Blonde Diesel aka "SKY" 3, Sauk River's Pointing Star - aka Star, and Dottie
Location : Grand Rapids, MI
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Scorpio Dog

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by Ten Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:13 pm

Hi Jamie,

Hope you're settled in and enjoying.

That's an SRS event. SRS has lots of events this year. I know Randy Woods will be running them, not sure if they will be posted on Splash Dogs or not. (maybe Urs or Brian can chime in on that). But, this event and more are listed on SRS site...



My Name : Ten
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Aries Dragon

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

Post by JT Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:04 am

thanks barb yep im setteling in good here its really feeling like home. I checked out srs and it looks like its open for registration at the event untill they reach the 50 dog limit so im checking on pre registration. im looking forward to going even if the boys cant jump its going to be a fun event.

My Name : jamie
Gender : Male
My Pet(s) : mikey pb 18'6 uv5'6 , mavrick pb 16 something over 19 when he decides to jump. and Roxi 4 y old GSP she just cheers the boys on. and timber comming in 2010 to a dock near you
Location : valley city, nd
Number of posts : 406
Capricorn Monkey

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question about other orginizations Empty Re: question about other orginizations

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